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Slow it down
Breath Together

A Place to Practice

the Pace of Love

This is your invitation to "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible".

Quote from

Charles  Eisenstein

It's time to slow down… to the pace of your breath, the Pace of Love. 

If it sounds radical, it's because it is.  

Slowing down is contrary to our fast-paced society mantra.  So, even if you have heard the call to return to your natural pace, you may resist it.  

That’s why I created the online Pace of Love membership.  Change is easier and more effective with support. And with sustainable change, we can build the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. 

Stressed Woman

Maybe you have looked around at the SuperParents and SideHustlers and wondered how they do it? 

Because you just can’t anymore...the tank is empty…


And your body aches, your digestion is stalling, and your mind swings between a maze of lists and burned-out blank.

That was me in 2013, but honestly, I kept pushing until a complete crash 10 years later.   At first I still tried to drag my body to work, but in spring of 2023, I knew I needed to rest and recover. One of the biggest skills I (re)learned during my recovery was slowing down to the pace of my body, the Pace of Love.

Then, I used breathwork, healthy food and nervous system regulation as the foundation for my healing.  The Healthy with Haliko telemedicine practice is built on these same principles because they are effective in creating and sustaining true vitality.


Breathwork continues to be my favorite healing tool. Rhythmic breathing was key to regulating my nervous system, the master electrician controlling all the organs.  I learned and now teach others to use simple breathing patterns to switch from the “Fight or Flight” mode into “Rest and Digest” mode.  When the body remains in "Rest and Digest" true healing can begin.

Paced Breathing

5.5s in / 5.5s out

Even short and simple breathwork can be extremely effective.  I asked a recent client to practice 10 minutes of paced breathing every night, and by the end of our first month together, she faced two high-pressure situations at work without her usual anxiety. Both she and I were overjoyed.

When you slow down, you reconnect to your body so that the natural processes of relaxation and restoration can begin.  The Pace of Love monthly membership is designed to support this radical practice.

What if restorative breathwork could give you a physical recharge?

If aligning your life to a sustainable pace sharpened your mind?


And that keeping healthy boundaries allowed your heart to fully open?

This is my hope...

If you feel called to this radical slowing down, I am offering support in the Pace of Love container, a virtual community devoted to practicing a compassionate and embodied way of life.

Meditate at the beach
In Pace of Love spaces...
You will find...
  • Monthly restorative breathwork sessions rooted in pranayama and SOMA Breath

  • Session recordings for those who cannot attend live

  • Supplemental emailed practices to deepen your engagement

  • Monthly virtual meetups to be respected and witnessed in your practice

You won't find...
  • Activating, Wim Hof, Holotropic, Rebirthing breathing methods

  • Shaming or blaming

  • Methods to numb or deny true feelings

  • Professional therapy support

Who membership is for...

  • Adults ready to take a break from the hustle culture

  • People needing methods to calm the overwhelm and monkey mind 

  • All experience levels

Twilight Sunset_edited.jpg

This isn’t for people... looking for a quick high, escape or even a quick fix.  Yes, the breathwork is relaxing, but it regularly invites you to go deeper into your heart and mind to solve your frictions at the core. If you are still looking for the next energy drink or supplement so you can burn the candle at both ends, then you probably aren’t ready for this work.

If you are curious how breathwork can transform you, listen to one participant describe her shift after a 20 minute practice. 

Gradient Skies

Imagine yourself connected through Zoom to a group of open hearts ready to practice slowing down.  You have a comfortable setup with quality headphones or speakers to enjoy the synchronized music.  A gentle introduction helps you open to the moment, and your tension begins to fade. Uplifting messages guide your thoughts as the music and beats support your breath.  By the end of the class, you feel refreshed, clear and calm. Some people stay on for sharing, and others say goodbye until next time.  Everyone leaves breathing easier and slower. 

Slowing down, tuning into your body, and regulating your nervous system requires practice. It requires direct experience and returning to the practice over and over.  Please don’t wait like I did until your body is screaming at you or your doctor gives you a new diagnosis.  The change can only begin when you take the first step.

This monthly membership cost is comparable to a single yoga class, plus you are getting extra support to make this radical shift. The material and support in Pace of Love mirrors my 1:1 coaching sessions, where I currently charge $1K/month.

You might be wondering if it is worth it,
and I invite you to try the Pace of Love membership in a 30-day free trial. 

I look forward to breathing with you.

Rainbow Clouds


Every month

Valid until canceled
30 day free trial

This container was born from my personal experience managing my own and others' health challenges. I deepened my understanding of this practice inside a council space with Rev. Briana Lynn.  Rev. Briana, who runs the Liberation Mystery School, teaches that moving at your authentic pace is necessary for personal and world liberation. Our freedom is connected to everyone’s freedom. Our healing is connected to the collective healing.

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